Here’s a look at what we’re covering with your kids so you can help them continue to grow at home during the week.
This March we can’t wait to introduce your preschoolers to our Big Deal, “Step By Step! God Wants Me to Know Him!” God is not unknowable, impersonable, or mysterious. Rather, God has revealed Himself through the Bible and through Jesus. Through Bible stories from the life of Abram (later called Abraham), preschoolers will learn they can trust in God, talk with God, listen to God, and walk with God.

Some things are hard to understand — like chemistry, verb conjugations, or why your friend is mad at you. When we face a problem, situation, or idea we’re struggling to understand, it always helps to know someone we trust can explain it to us. When Jesus was here on earth, He spent much time helping His followers understand some hard-to-understand ideas about God. One of the ways Jesus often made complicated ideas simpler was by explaining them through stories and metaphors, which we call parables. In this five-week series from the Gospels, we’ll explore the parables Jesus told His followers to explain essential truths about God.

Susan Ehret
Director of Kids Ministries

Tanner Reavis
Director of Elementary Ministries

Jennifer Gnau
Administrative Assistant
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