Enter Here
July 14 – August 11, 2024
5 Sermons
Have you ever felt lost? Maybe you were travelling, and your GPS froze, so you had to guess which way was the correct way. Perhaps you were at a crossroads, and you had to choose between two roads, but the signage wasn’t clear. Or you were hiking through the forest, and the trail markers were confusing. It’s never fun to be unsure of the way ahead.
As we journey through life, there are plenty of moments when we feel lost. We look for directional markers to navigate the path forward with relationships, finances, faith. And while there’s no shortage of people offering us advice and willing to provide direction, how do we know the right way, the best way to go?
In John 14:6, Jesus said, “I am the way…” Following the Jesus way is the not only the best way to navigate all areas of life, it’s the only way to navigate them successfully.
In the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus not only provides instruction; he offers an invitation. He tells us that the Kingdom of Heaven, His Kingdom, is right here in front of us – but there’s only one way to enter. “Enter Here” is the signpost Jesus carries in his hand as he shows us the way and invites us to follow him into the kingdom. Join us Sundays July 14-Aug 11 for our series ENTER HERE as we learn to follow Jesus into Kingdom living.


MESSAGE: Enter Here – True Treasure
SPEAKER: Mark Ledford
DATE: July 14, 2024