SPF 60+
Study, Pray, and Fast for the 60+ days of summer
If you plan to spend much time in the summer sun, it’s wise to use sunscreen to cover and protect you from the harmful effects of the sun. It seems there’s a metaphor there for our spiritual health. While too much time in the sun is not healthy for us physically, too little time with the Son of God is damaging for us spiritually. Spiritually, it’s helpful for us to cover our lives with behaviors that draw us closer to God. Yes, it’s an overworked analogy. So, forgive the cliché, but grab ahold of the wisdom.
In the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus encourages us to pray and fast. We know that reading the Bible is also a vital component to a growing and maturing faith. So, together this summer, let’s go deeper with Jesus by reading the Gospel of Matthew (where we find the Sermon on the Mount in chapters 5-7), by praying through what Jesus teaches us in the Sermon on the Mount, and by developing a greater hunger for God through fasting from earthly indulgences.
We’ve included some suggested guides for you to use for SPF 60+. We encourage you to start realistically, but to set a goal for increasing your commitment by the end of the summer. We’re all in this together, so let’s encourage one another along the way. Imagine what God might do through our church if we all walk more closely with Jesus because of our engagement with God this summer. Imagine how great it would be for all of us to participate in the same spiritual habits, growing and strengthening our faith muscles, even if at different levels. Join us for the summer SPF 60+ challenge.
Daily Prayer – opt-in for daily text, also a daily social media reminder
  • Text: SPF to the phone number 502-289-1387
  • Daily Social Media Reminders: Facebook or Instragram
Daily Bible Reading
Read the Gospel of Matthew:
  • Beginner Level: 1 Chapter each day
  • Intermediate Level: 15-30 minutes each day
  • Advanced Level: 30+ minutes each day
  • Bonus Challenge: Read through the entire Gospel in one sitting (about 2.5 hours) at least once this summer


Regular Fasting:

  • Beginner Level: For one meal each week
  • Intermediate Level: For one day each week
  • Advanced Level: For three days during a week